Amsterdam - Leeuwarden - The Netherlands

Bujinkan Dojo Shihonobujin

Bujinkan Dojo Shihonobujin

B u j i n k a n  D o j o - S h i h o n o b u j i n

武 神 館 道 場 - 四 方 の 武 神

Amsterdam - Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.

Bujinkan Dojo Shihonobujin was founded in 2001 

B u j i n k a n  B u d ō  T a i j u t s u - N i n p ō  T a i j u t s u

武 神 館 武 道体術 - 忍 法体術

Ninjutsu Amsterdam - Ninjutsu Leeuwarden - Ninjutsu Nederland - Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Combat Skills - The Art of the Ninja - Shinobi Jutsu Ninjutsu Friesland Ninpo Taijutsu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Bujinkan Nederland Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Bojutsu Hanbojutsu Kenjutsu Taijutsu

The Japanese martial art taught by the Bujinkan Dōjō is commonly known as Budō Taijutsu, Ninpō Taijutsu or Ninjutsu, and consists of nine ancient traditions known as Ryūha. The Bujinkan organisation was founded by Sōke Masaaki Hatsumi, the inheritor of the nine Ryūha lineages of Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu:

Togakure Ryū Ninpō 戸隠流忍法
Gyokko Ryū Koshijutsu 玉虎流骨指術
Kotō Ryū Koppōjutsu 虎倒流骨法術
Kukishinden Ryū Happo Hiken 九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術
Shinden Fudō Ryū Dakentaijutsu 神伝不動流打拳体術
Gyokushin Ryū Ninpō 玉心流忍法
Gikan Ryū Koppojutsu 義鑑流骨法術
Tagaki Yoshin Ryū Jutaijutsu 高木揚心流柔体術
Kumogakure Ryū Ninpō 雲隠流忍法

Generally speaking Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu is a contemporary and complete martial art based on old Japanese traditions in which unarmed as well as armed skills are trained. The search for balance through natural movement allows an individual to act in a free and spontaneous manner to better cope with obstructions in life, unhindered by limitations like gender or age. On a physical, mental and energetic level. There is no competition in our art, there is respect and tolerance.

The unarmed methods are broken down into the three following disciplines:
- Taihenjutsu (body movement skills, rolling and breakfalling)
- Dakentaijutsu (striking forms, punching, kicking)
- Jūtaijutsu (grappling, throwing, limb restraints).

The armed methods include a variety of weapon skills:

- Kenjutsu (long and short Japanese sword skill)
- Bojutsu (6, 4 and 3 foot staff skill)
- Naginata Jutsu (Japanese halberd skill)
- Yarijutsu (Japanese spear skill)
- Jitte Jutsu (ten hands weapon)
  and other weapons 

Students of Bujinkan Dōjō are member of the Honbu Dōjō, receive an annual membership card and official gradings from the Honbu Dōjō in Japan.

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Netherlands Holland Amsterdam Leeuwarden Japanese Martial Arts Jutaijutsu Juijutsu Zuid-Holland Friesland Noord-Nederland Kenjutsu Bojutsu Hichibuku Goshinjutsu Seitaijutsu Ninjutsu Koppojutsu Kosshijutsu Jojutsu Europe EU Ninjutsu Leeuwarden Amsterdam Bujinkan Zelfverdediging Self Defense Japanse Vechtkunst Friesland Nederland What is Ninjutsu? The Art of the Ninja Vechtsport Friesland Amsterdam Weerbaarheidstraining

  Art of the Ninja

Training 2025

Ninjutsu Amsterdam Ninjutsu Leeuwarden Friesland Ninpo Taijutsu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Bujinkan Nederland Shinobi Jutsu Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu The art of the Ninja Traditional Japanese Martial Arts

Regular classes

We have regular classes in the Dojo in Amsterdam and Leeuwarden. 

Contact us for more information.

Outdoor Training

Training in natural surroundings is an essential element of training. 

Outdoor Seminars are provided on a regular basis. 


National and international Seminars are attended at times to meet students from other Bujinkan Dojo and share in training and spirit.

Women’s Self Defence

Self Defence for women is part of our martial tradition.

Contact us for more information.

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Netherlands Holland Amsterdam Leeuwarden Japanese Martial Arts Jutaijutsu Juijutsu Zuid-Holland Friesland Noord-Nederland Kenjutsu Bojutsu Hichibuku Goshinjutsu Seitaijutsu Ninjutsu Koppojutsu Kosshijutsu Jojutsu Europe EU Ninjutsu Leeuwarden Amsterdam Bujinkan Zelfverdediging Self Defense Japanse Vechtkunst Friesland Nederland What is Ninjutsu? The Art of the Ninja Vechtsport Friesland Amsterdam Weerbaarheidstraining

Training Locations

Dojo Amsterdam

Dojo Address: Palmstraat 34

Contact us for more information.

Dojo Leeuwarden

Dojo Address: Emmakade 59

Contact us for more information.

Training in Japan

The Bujinkan with its Honbu Dojo in Japan, is an international organisation with many Dojo worldwide.


Please feel free to contact us via email.

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